“İmaret İbrahim Bey Mosque”

Architectural Conservation (Documentation, Restitution and Restoration) Project

Karaman, 2017-2019

According to the inscription on the entrance gate of Imaret İbrahim Bey Mosque, it was built by II. İbrahim Bey in 1432. Adjacent to the south corner of the western facade of the imaret, there is a tomb of Karamanoğlu İbrahim Bey and his sons. To the north of the courtyard, there is a remain of a gate. The most striking elements in terms of decoration are the crown door, minaret, mihrab and door wing. The original tile mosaic mihrab is found in the Istanbul “Çinili Köşk” Museum today.

The building is an original example that has survived from the Karamanoğulları Principality with its architectural features.