“Şeyh Alaaddin Uşaki Türbesi ve Mosque”
Architectural Conservation (Documentation, Restitution and Restoration) Project
Uşak, 2016-2019
Şeyh Alaaddin Usaki, who came from Samarkand in the 15th century and lived in Kapaklar village and died here in 1485/1486, was one of the important religious leaders of his time. The inscription on the western wall of the mosque today, above the entrance to the tomb, states that a mosque and tomb were built in 1595, approximately 110 years after the death of the sheikh. Apart from its inscription, there are no remains or traces from this mosque and tomb.
The architectural features of the mosque, which has survived to the present day, show similarities with many mosques built in Istanbul and Anatolia during the reign of II. Abdülhamit. However, it is understood that this building was also severely damaged during the Greek occupation in the region (1920-1922). The main mass of the mosque and its arched windows were restored and the original wooden ceiling was renewed during the revival and renovation studies in 1957.