“Sinanpaşa Complex”

Architectural Conservation (Documentation, Restitution and Restoration) Project

Afyonkarahisar, 2019-2021

Sinanpaşa Complex, in Sinanpaşa district of Afyonkarahisar, is a building group that includes mosque, imaret, subyan school and mausoleum structures. There is also a bath 300 m away from the complex. According to its epigraph, it was built between 1524-1525 by Sinan Pasha, who also gave his name to the district.

All of the building groups within the Sinanpaşa Complex are unique examples reflecting their periods. Sinanpaşa Mosque, which is the main structure of the Complex, is an important example of the late period mosque with tabhane built in the 16th century. And it is the only example in which both parts of the harim are expanded in width.